Inspired by the well-known television show “Cupcake Wars,” the Culinary 1 class faced off in their own version of cupcake wars as as one of the final assignments of the year on April 19.
“Due to the popularity and recognition the competitive show was receiving, I realized this would be an different, new and out of the ordinary assignment.” Culinary Arts teacher Ashley Kurth said.
Although the show has been around for years, Kurth decided only three years ago that they would pursue this.
Cupcake wars works with three groups of 4-5 students. Each group is given multiple tools and ingredients to include in their cupcake. After 2 class periods, the cupcakes should be finished, and ready to be competed.
“I really enjoy this assignment because nobody ends up upset. Everybody goes home happy, whether they win or not. Although it’s competitive, everybody has the chance to make a cupcake, then enjoy it afterwards.” sophomore Lily Zheng said.
In the end, when the participants and their cupcakes are ready, the results are decided by Culinary 3, and administration. Finally, after many decisions, the group members whose cupcake was chosen have now won cupcake wars, and get an excellent grade on the assignment.
“Cupcake wars really is an interesting, exciting and fun way to gather up groups, get communication flowing and show off your creative skills. The thought of making something that shows characteristic and personalities mixed together is exciting.” Zheng said.
As one of the last assignments until the quarter ends, Cupcake Wars gets the students excited and overall allows them to have have a great time while learning to make a delicious dessert.