As soon as summer ended, students were thrust back into school with very little time to adjust to the daily routine of sitting in a classroom for 90 minutes, taking high-pressure tests and studying for hours each day.
In order to not be completely flooded with work and stress, students try to find ways to debrief and attempt to enjoy the moment.
Fortunately, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School helps its students with this very problem during one care-free, extremely fun week.
On Monday, Oct. 7, the student body at MSD was able to participate in homecoming spirit week which included lunchtime activities, dress-up days and school-wide activities to hype up the student body for homecoming.
As an outlet for many students who have been struggling through their first quarter, this week keeps students in the right mindset, no matter how difficult transitioning back into school is.
Each day has had its own unique influence on the student body.
Monday’s mathletes versus athletes day was a perfect way for students to kick off their homecoming week. Dressing up in either a jersey or nerd apparel, there was a sense of unique positive spirit on campus all day long.
Tuesday’s twin day was an opportunity for students and their friends to unite and dress alike. This day was special because all day long, students were able to share their school spirit and highlight their closest friends.
After a well deserved day off, Thursday’s wackiness really let students let loose as they were attempting to close out their first academic quarter. Focusing on wacky socks can provide a much-needed relief from the stress of last-minute grade entries.
Friday wrapped up the week with students sporting the color designated to their class and participating in a pep rally. This really boosted the students’ energy levels which led them right into the 36-0 win in the football game that night. This hype continued to and through the homecoming dance and overall created an incredible week and weekend for the student body.
High school is overwhelming, and right now is just the preface of this 2019-2020 school year. Spirit week is a relief; it is fun; it is peace. There is no more perfect way to bring utopia to MSD then by inviting the student body to join stress-free activities on campus.
Another element to the relief that this week provides is pictures. Getting to school early to meet up with friends, smiling and posing for pictures are fun ways for students to get their minds off of school stress.
Sharing pictures on social media such as Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram not only gives teens the chance to add wholesome, fun images to their feed but also show off their school spirit to all of their friends. This should also increase participation in spirit week because people don’t want to feel left out.
These dress-up days truly do bring the campus together.
Students who may never speak to each other could actually wind up in a fun conversation about a costume or outfit one of them wears. There’s no better icebreaker than seeing someone in a head to toe teddy bear costume or another dressed up as Spongebob Squarepants on nerd day.
What’s awesome is that the whole campus unites in anticipation of one of the most exciting weekends of the year.
The same friends that are twinning may be riding together in the Homecoming Float Parade. The same “mathletes” may be playing football for the undefeated eagles under the Friday Night Lights. The same people that converse about some silly costume may just wind up hanging out together at the Homecoming Dance.
This may just be the pinnacle of MSD campus unity and it would not be possible without the incredibly fun, stress-free events of Spirit Week.