MSD Dance Marathon hosts a car wash to raise money for Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
MSD’s Dance Marathon hosted a car wash to raise money for the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. Members of the organization washed the vehicles outside a Wendy’s.
November 7, 2021
The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Dance Marathon chapter hosted a car wash on Saturday, Nov. 5 to raise money for the Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami.
Dance Marathon is a non-profit organization supported by colleges and high schools all around the nation. Throughout the year, students host different events to raise money.
At the end of the year, the club will host their main event where the total amount raised will be unveiled. All of the money Dance Marathon raises throughout the year goes directly to the hospital to help pay for surgery, supplies, equipment and much more.
The car wash was from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and students in Dance Marathon participated and washed the cars themselves. The price per car was $5 with all proceeds donated to help young kids. Many people in the Coral Springs and Parkland community showed up to support the event.
“We do [the car wash] every year and it’s usually really successful. We’re trying to raise a couple thousand dollars all together,” senior Isabel Kilman said. “I do Dance Marathon because I got involved my freshman year and getting to meet the miracle kids and see their reactions to how much we fundraised is such an amazing thing to see.”
The car wash event ended up raising $830. While this was only one event within this school year, the organization plans to partake in the Color Run and sell as many tickets as possible.
“On March 12, we will be hosting a marathon which is like a giant party and at the very end, we hold up a number with the amount that we raised all year and it is just the best environment,” senior Jersey Roth said.
Dance Marathon continues to raise money until their final deadline, hosting events such as this car wash to meet their goal.