[Opinion] Establishing good education habits at a young age will lead to success
Utilizing study habits from a young age can help develop strategies that will lead to success in the future.
April 23, 2022
As a student, performing well in school and achieving goals is often easier said than done. Lifestyles and academic performance fluctuate throughout adolescent years, and some people may struggle academically more than others. In order to ensure success throughout all of school and in the years beyond, students should establish strong educational habits as soon as possible.
At just eleven years old, student’s enter their first year of middle school. This is students’ first real taste of the serious school years they have ahead of them. Starting in middle school, students should already be practicing effective habits to ensure their future will be smooth-sailing.
In school, the topic of educational habits is rarely discussed. Students are not given the opportunity to learn about time management, nor how to effectively study. Students are also not taught about negative habits such as procrastination. Instead, they are left to explore and establish these habits on their own.
Time management is an extremely crucial skill that students should begin practicing as soon as possible. Even in the years beyond education, people have to learn to manage their time in their everyday lives. For students, time management ensures that they are prioritizing the work they must get done, and remain on-track with assignments and important things to complete.
Without the ability to properly manage time, students may find themselves falling behind and losing track of assignments that need to be done, as well as tests that need to be studied for. Once you fall behind academically, it can be difficult to catch up and it becomes easy to be stuck in a loop of being behind.
Tests are inevitable, and are something students will experience all throughout their education. Therefore, it is vital to ensure students are building study habits that will stick with them. School can get strenuous, so studying allows people to prepare and build up confidence within a subject, whether it’s for a quiz or final exam. If students build effective study habits at a young age, they will have a significantly easier time preparing for a stressful test, and will be more likely to exceed.
The combination of both time management and study skills are certainly two of the most important educational skills a person could possess. Fitting study time into your schedule will benefit students deeply, and help prevent potential chaos of accidentally forgetting to study for an upcoming test.
Alongside learning about positive educational skills, students should also be aware of how to manage counterproductive habits such as laziness and procrastination. The earlier people are able to recognize their bad habits, the easier they will be to correct. Dragging these negative habits with you throughout years of school will just end up doing a lot more damage.
Procrastination is certainly the most counterproductive habit a person can hold. Not only is it extremely hard to fight against, but it creates a feeling of dread when doing work. Putting assignments off can lead to stress build up, and add even more chaos into an already hectic schedule. Fighting against this habit as soon as possible prevents it from becoming a long-term issue, which can eventually become damaging to one’s school-life.
Laziness is yet another issue that can be potentially harmful to one’s education. It’s okay to feel tired and burnt out sometimes, but laziness should not be a recurring feeling. This can be an issue when students choose to take naps on the couch all afternoon instead of completing important homework. Again, by exercising proper time management, students can find ways to complete work and fit naps into their schedule as well. Students can prioritize school-related work, while still having time to do whatever they choose.
Successfully developing a good work ethic at a young age will certainly take you far in life. An exceptional work ethic may be the difference that helps you achieve your dream job. Employers will look for strong habits within an employee that will ensure success within a profession. Laziness, procrastination, and poor time management will not get you very far professionally. Beginning to develop strong, positive habits as soon as possible to help prepare for your future ahead.
With the right habits and skills, students will be able to achieve incredible goals and success. These habits will stick with people all throughout their lives, even in their future workplace beyond school. Building effective habits at a young age is one of the most beneficial things a student can do for both short and long term success.