On Aug. 2, the senior class announced that senior parking spaces would be available online to purchase at the E-Store.
“I have been looking forward to having my own spot since I was a freshman,” senior Karter Cooper said. “I used to drive with a senior to school before I could drive and I had been thinking about parking there ever since.”
When purchasing a spot, students can choose whether they want a personalized or regular spot. A personalized spot includes a parking decal, the opportunity to paint the parking spot with a design of choice, and a guaranteed assigned spot each morning. The price of a personalized spot is $115. On the other hand, a regular spot only costs $65 and includes only a parking decal.
“Although the spots are pricey, it is way better than walking 10 minutes from the junior lot,” senior Noah Sacks said.
After only an hour or two of the spots being available online, they were sold out, leaving some seniors without any spot at all.
Despite the fact the lot is called the “Senior Lot”, juniors who take dual enrollment courses at Broward College were able to purchase parking spots in the lot as well, causing some seniors to be left without one. Many seniors were upset by the fact that juniors got the opportunity to park in the lot and they were left without a spot. They feel that this is unfair because they did not get a parking spot for their last year.
“I was really upset when I found out that juniors were able to park in the senior lot because I didn’t get a spot for my senior year,” senior Ryan Kavanaugh said. “I had been looking forward to this since I was a freshman.”
In order for students to keep their parking privileges, they must have great attendance in school. The spot will be taken away if one student is tardy five times. As of the 2018-2019 school year, these rules were put in action because the parking space is so limited.
There is a waiting list for students who did not receive a spot. To learn more about open spots, students are advised to check with Coach Rubenstein.