On Tuesday, Sept. 11, the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School set up their annual memorial in the courtyard commemorating the events that occurred 18 years ago.
The memorial consisted of two models representing the World Trade Center twin towers on a navy blue tablecloth, surrounded by both the American flag and the Florida state flag. Next to the replicas, is a list of those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001.
“We need to always celebrate the lives of the individuals that had lost their lives that day and we need to reflect on the events that have happened in the past, making sure that we never forget,” Principal Michelle Kefford said.
Both JROTC officers and Rho Kappa members arrived at school early this morning to put together the memorial before school started. Guarding the memorial were JROTC cadets, rotating in shifts throughout the day.
Sergeant Marissa Lazandra assisted in the arrangement of the memorial and felt honored to be apart of such an important commemoration.
“It is important to remember those who helped and sacrificed their lives and to never forget,” Lazandra said.
Cadet Captain Sam Beavin was one of the cadets that participated in the guarding of the memorial. Beavin has been apart of this ceremony with JROTC every year since he entered high school.
“I am extremely proud of all the cadets who participated. It is a true honor to guard and provide a security to the memorial of those who lost their lives,” Beavin said. “It provides a true sense of patriotism and solemnity, and I look forward to it every year.”