Join Key club for the chance to experience a great time with great people here at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and all around the country.
Maintaining generosity and preforming selfless acts helps improve so many peoples lives directly and indirectly. Key club is a student-led organization, which gives students the opportunity to build their character, and complete selfless acts for others in need.
By being apart of Key Club, you have the chance to develop many leadership roles that can help you in your life greatly and also foster unforgettable friendships. You also get to provide service for your community and receive service hours while doing so.
Key Club is a great way to serve the children of the world and to realize that being fortunate is a blessing and nothing to take advantage of. The events are also tons of fun and you basically make a family throughout key club.
The organization helps to provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities. Being apart of this club is really an unforgettable memory that you will have for a long time and will also always remember that amazing feeling when you know that you have helped so many people.
After the first meeting, many students are very excited to join Key club. Sophomore Andrea Hengber gives her insight as to why she is excited to be in this club.
“I love to help people less fortunate then me and cant wait to see what we get to do in Key club. There is really nothing better then that feeling of knowing you impacted people’s lives and probably made their day or even week. You really can make a difference and I can’t wait to make a difference in Key club”, says Key Club President Samantha Schneid.
Key club is an influential club in so many ways. If this club pertains to your interests, it would be a perfect place to make friends and help out the community.