On Tuesday, Jan. 21 and Wednesday, Jan. 22, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School dispersed course cards to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students now have a diverse array of classes to choose from, and for many, deciding what to study can be an incredibly difficult process. Students must turn in their course cards to their study hall teachers by Feb. 3 or 4.
“I’m a little bit indecisive about choosing classes for next year,” sophomore Victoria Figuroa said. “Considering next year’s junior year, all of my classes are gonna be a little more [important] and it’s gonna count a little more for my application process to colleges and universities.”
Students must pick an English, science, math, and social studies course, as well as three electives and three alternative electives. Unlike the preceding school year, all students who are not rising freshmen are not required to verify their addresses on the cards.
MSD is introducing many new Advanced International Certificate of Education courses for the upcoming school year. These courses include AICE Art/Design, AICE U.S. History, AICE Environmental Management, AICE English Language, AICE Psychology, AICE Global Perspectives, AICE Sociology and AICE Drama.
“Out of all of the AICE courses I am most excited to take AICE Art/Design,” sophomore Riley Cousans, who is on the Cambridge AICE Diploma track, said. “I’m really curious to see what the new courses are like.”
The AICE program was first implemented at MSD during the 2024-2025 school year and the school is even allowing students who are not on the Cambridge AICE Diploma track to take specified AICE classes a-la-carte in the upcoming school year. The Cambridge AICE Diploma track is a group certificate which requires learners to study a compulsory core subject. The diploma is open to rising freshmen and sophomores.
Incoming highschoolers are invited to a curriculum night on Wednesday, Feb. 5 to inform them and parents of the courses available to them. Any further questions about course cards can be answered by school guidance counselors and the Guidance Canvas page.