New proposed cell tower at Parkridge Church

Claire Piklor

The new proposed 125-foot cell tower at Parkridge Church will provide wireless service for the residents of Coral Springs and Parkland. The discussion of this new cell tower will take place Oct. 20.

Ashveen Saini, Social Media and Photo Editor

After many have struggled with receiving service in the Parkland and Coral Springs community, Royal Palm Companies Holdings of Boca Raton is building a new cell tower beside Parkridge Church to ensure better cell service for the area. On Oct. 20, City of Coral Springs commissioners are expected to review the proposed cell tower plan.

In today’s world, cell phones have become vital to daily life whether to cure boredom or for more serious reasons, such as calling and texting during emergencies. For phones to work properly, people need service thus the purpose of cell towers.

Within recent years, many Parkland and Coral Springs residents have struggled with getting adequate cell phone service in different parts of the community, leading to the city planners’ recommendation to construct a new tower.

Royal Palm Companies Holdings has been around for 40 years, building things from houses to condos and even hotels. They also have multiple award-winning projects such as the Paramount Miami Worldcenter.

City planners recommend the installation of this tower to provide cell service to the city, as long as it meets the numerous technical conditions. Another obstacle RPC Holdings are faced with are the City of Coral Springs building codes, which only approve up to 100 feet tall cell towers. Since the proposed cell tower is 125 feet tall, it needs approval from the city commision.

With the proposed location of the tower as Parkridge Church, the tower will also feature a cross on the top of the cell tower to cover any technical equipment, per the church’s request.

This cell tower will provide acceptable service to those living or working near it. In addition, those who attend Parkridge Church, which is also attached to Parkridge Christian Academy, and drivers who pass on the Sawgrass Expressway are likely to experience an uptick in cell service.

“By adding a new cell tower, I, along with others will have better service, this will help the community tremendously and help daily activities flow,” Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School freshman Isabella Renert said.

Nearby communities, stores and restaurants are also expected to see an increase in cell phone service after the installation of the cell tower.

Since MSD is located near Parkridge Church, it is said the school will receive better service. Many students on campus have had difficulties with their phones because service is less strong in sections of the school, making it hard for them to be able to text and call while on campus.

“I think that the new tower will make the service faster, but not just for me, as many of my friends and classmates complain about how bad their connections are,” freshman Dev Anand said.
The cell tower, if approved and built, will provide Coral Springs and Parkland residents who reside or work around Parkridge Church and MSD with better service.