[Brief] NHS to host a new member induction ceremony on April 11

Lyla Sachs, Copy Editor

The induction for the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School National Honors Society for the 2021-2022 school year is taking place on April 11 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Current sophomores and juniors who have 30 service hours, an unweighted GPA of 3.0 and two recommendations of leadership and good character are eligible for NHS.

During the induction, officers of the society will call members on stage, where they will receive a membership pin and card. Students will also shake hands with the speakers and officers present. Afterwards, a candlelight ceremony will be held where new members will recite the NHS pledge.

“Myself and the officer board are excited to have an in-person ceremony this year. We’re excited to honor the students,” AP United States History teacher and NHS advisor Lisa Hitchcock said. “It is going to be the 32nd year of NHS inductions, as it started when the school was founded in 1990.”

The officer team, student volunteers and members are organizing the induction. The co-chairs of the ceremony are juniors Anjali Sethi and Alphonse Stephen. Current members will also be doing different jobs such as ushering, working on the paper program and helping with general duties.

NHS members who graduate in good standing will receive a stole, a special designation on their graduation program and a special distinction on their diploma.

“I look forward to celebrating the success of these students and their hard work in person, and for their parents to have the opportunity to see them,” Hitchcock said.

Inductees and their families are invited to come. The current officers will go over a brief history of NHS and then discuss the four values they wish to see in their members: service, character, leadership and scholarship. State Representative Christine Hunschofsky and an administrator will also be speaking at the ceremony.