MSD students create unity and change by forming new clubs this school year

Brianna Ho

Looking on the Bright Side. Members of the new Hope Sunshine Club hold a meeting in the Wellness Center, and explore thoughts about peace and mental health. Members played mini cards games to emphasize understanding of social skills and open-ness. “The subjects talked about were very helpful to not only myself, but others too. Your mind set can change for the better,” senior Alex Senior said.

Andie Korenge, Editor-in-Chief

As the school year at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School kicks into full swing, several students have taken it upon themselves to form clubs they have not yet seen established on campus. Whether they are simply seeking to surround themselves with others who share their passions or trying their hand at a much larger goal, such as creating real change, it is a feat of great lengths and dedication.

There are an abundance of clubs available to students already; however, there remains several innovative ideas that have yet to become real initiatives. Many students believe there are a plethora of new clubs to be formed and are willing to make it happen.

With the inspiration to form a club, there comes a certain amount of work and effort required of a student. Yet starting a club may be worth it because of the impact one can make through the space they create. Promoting unity is one of the main objectives behind the majority of school clubs formations.

Inclusivity is a large part of the club-staring process as many students try to find others with similar interests, goals and concerns. Certain students are looking to provide a community-type space within a school setting.

“I loved cooking ever since I was a child and a lot of students at our school weren’t able to take the culinary class,” sophomore Raymond Hu said. “So, making a foodie club is a great way to create a space with other people with the same interests and will be another way for people who enjoy it to learn about cooking.”

Hu has taken major steps this year in starting not one, but two clubs dedicated to bringing people who share common enthusiasms together; one is a foodie club and the other is a public health club. He is trying to create a place in which students can learn about and discuss their interests. Both of Hu’s clubs already have sponsors and are now waiting on the approval of paperwork to officially begin.

“My goal is to bring people together who enjoy similar things and give them the chance to form bonds and friendships over these likings,” Hu said.

Not only are students looking to share their passions, they are looking to make an impact through clubs dedicated to improving the lives of others. Creating positive impacts in local communities can be done through different activities, functions, charities and the decision to step up and take action. MSD is home to many clubs devoted to righteous causes that students personally believe in and connect with.

“The club I’m starting is called KAPE. It stands for kidokinetics adaptive physical education. KAPE [members] play sports with special needs classes,” sophomore Courtney Solinsky said. “The purpose of this club is for KAPE to achieve the heartwarming feeling of bringing so many smiles to our peers’ faces every day.”

Solinsky has dedicated her time to bringing this rewarding club to MSD. The inspiration for her club came from a friend of hers who first started a similar organization at Cypress Bay High School. Seeing how much of a difference her friend was able to make there, Solinsky came to the realization that the mission of KAPE could be shared anywhere, hence her decision to bring it to MSD.

Clubs play an important role in schools because of the social interactivity and learning that exists within them. Many students may feel, however, that they do not see one that aligns with their beliefs or interests as most large schools are composed of diverse students with a vast variety of interests. To remedy the lack of certain clubs, MSD students have taken it upon themselves to meet this challenge with an iron fist.
“My goal for this club is to get as many people as possible involved and to make a change in our school,” Solinsky said.
With the purpose of unifying students and creating change, club founders like Hu and Solinsky are in the process of making a difference in their peers’ lives for the better. Although others have preceded these new club founders, the present generation of students continue the legacy of student trailblazers and leaders.