The Beautiful Tomorrow Assembly conducts motivational show for MSD students

Quinn Braun

and Curving. Humble Tip invites sophomore Emery Jackson and juniors Joshua Gayle and Zara Dautruche on stage to swerve and curve away the haters. The Beautiful Tomorrow Assembly was held on Feb. 15 and Feb. 16 to encourage students to work hard for their future.

Alison LaTorre and Jessie Gesund

Motivational guest speaker Jason Lewis, also known as Humble Tip, and co-host Jodie Walton III from The Beautiful Tomorrow Assembly visited Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 15 and Feb. 16 during fourth and sixth periods. The main goal of the program is to “spark an excited desire [within students] to pursue their future and its endless potential.”

Curriculum specialist Robert Johnson scheduled The Beautiful Tomorrow Assembly, which was created by Lewis has traveled across the U.S. speaking and performing to motivate students, promote peace and inspire students to never give up. Lewis is also a music artist who has produced and released music on Spotify. He fuses hip-hop with his public speaking abilities to encourage students to participate in repeat-after-me exercises.

Lewis and Walton aim to boost students’ confidence and positivity when it comes to thinking about their futures. They spoke to students about following their dreams and not allowing other people’s opinions to influence their actions, ideas or beliefs.

“It’s always a privilege [be]cause [students] never have to [attend], especially because we’re not your average assembly,” Walton said. “We’re a bit rowdier, so we felt excited when we were asked to come here and do it. Most people stand on the podium with a PowerPoint for their assembly, but we try to get the kids involved and moving.”

Lewis and Walton explained to students that they should avoid fake friends and keep a positive mindset. The performers chanted mantras, danced and sang songs with the students, teachers and any other faculty present. Selected students were called up onto the stage to talk about their futures and how they plan to commit to their dreams. They were given Beautiful Tomorrow t-shirts before they left the stage.

“The assembly was really entertaining, and I loved seeing all of my teachers and fellow classmates on the stage,” junior Rebecca Stember said. “Their message about perseverance and following our dreams really resonated with me, as I have big aspirations for the future. It is sometimes difficult to find motivation, especially during junior year, but Humble [Tip] was really inspiring and was a fun person to listen to compared to our other assemblies.”

Teachers were also brought onto the stage to dance with Humble Tip. They continued to dance in the aisles during his closing song. Students crowded at the bottom of the stage and created mosh pits while chanting one of his many mantras, “Can’t put me out–” intended to mean that no one can stop students from achieving their dreams.

“Students have a funny way of showing their appreciation,” Walton said. “They’ll sit silently, but eventually they’ll start getting into it especially because it’s a message that isn’t dated, so it’s always relevant to them.”

Teachers brought their study hall classes to attend the assembly, as well as students who got personal invitation slips. It lasted for the entirety of a 90-minute period, with students going to their next class period once it ended.

This story was originally published in the March 2023 Eagle Eye print edition.