Letter to the Editor: It is time to ditch the vape

Julia Landy

Letters to the Editor are accepted from the public, student body and faculity via submission at MSDEagleEyeNews@gmail.com

The ideas expressed in this opinion article are held by the specific author, not Eagle Eye News or Broward County Public Schools.

Dear Editor,

There should be more regulations on vaping at school. When you go into the bathroom, often you are greeted with the haze of a foul smell, or people standing around smoking their vapes. This is unacceptable. There are few security guards stationed around the bathrooms, especially at lunch. People can come and go to the bathroom freely to smoke their vapes without much interference. At the beginning of the year, it was noted that there are certain ‘zones’ you can walk around in depending on what class you are in at the time. However, anyone who has taken a bathroom pass before knows that security guards do almost nothing to check your pass or send you back if you are walking in the wrong zone. Students can get up and leave to smoke in the bathrooms or hallways, and few teachers will even recognize they are gone. There needs to be more regulations on those leaving to go to the bathrooms, and guards near the bathrooms to make sure students are not vaping.


Submitted by Ava Thomas, 9.