Grand Theft Auto, created by Rockstar Games, is an action and adventure video game played by millions around the world. The five series video game has been running since 1997 and is still growing in popularity today. After the huge success of GTA five, which was released in 2013 and holds the record for the best-selling video game in 24 hours, fans have been waiting for the next big game. Rockstar Games started developing GTA six in 2014, shortly after GTA five was released.
“I’m very excited for the new game to come out; GTA five is one of my favorite games ever so I’m excited for what they do for the next game,” junior Jaden Zadanowski said.
On Dec. 4, 2023, Rockstar Games finally released their first GTA six trailer, which gained over 165 million views. During the video, viewers got to see a glimpse of new features, such as better sensory, better graphics and a more detailed story than what GTA five had. Additionally, GTA five took place in a fictional southern California city, San Andreas, while GTA six will take place in a fictional city in Florida, Vice City, which was modeled after Miami.
From what was seen in the trailer, it seems players will experience a whole new story and characters. Players enter the trailer being introduced to the game’s new main character, Lucia, who is apparently a prisoner. After the short story, the trailer is followed by multiple videos of an intense montage including fast cars, new vehicles and new animals.
The trailer also showed viewers multiple locations on the map, such as beaches, the Everglades and Vice City, which will be an enjoyable place to play missions and explore. It is especially clear that Rockstar Games has taken huge inspiration from the city of Miami, as in some places players can actually see identical buildings and landmarks to those that currently exist in Miami.
“I can’t believe they are making it based in Miami, Florida,” junior Sebastian Mira said. “I can’t wait to play with my friends every day.”
Social media appears to be a significant part of the new game because of the multiple shots of characters using social media apps, like Instagram and TikTok, in the trailer. Many fans have noticed that a lot of what occurred in the trailer reflected real behavior posted online, such as partying and getting into trouble. Plus, the game also appears to be emulating Florida weather which may provide better graphics throughout the story.
Once the trailer ended, the GTA six logo appeared with a headline reading “Coming 2025.” After all of the teasers and the many years that fans have been waiting for GTA six, it is looking very promising in terms of its ability to become one of the highest selling video games to date. This game will most certainly be taking 2025 by storm.