*This story was co-written by Tara Gaines & Kaleela Rosenthal

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at 9:30 a.m, the senior class cord ceremony took place in the auditorium. Inside, students were greeted with their parents and the MSD Jazz Band.
Throughout the ceremony, Principal Teresa Hall presented different cords to the MSD class of 2019. Students would then walk across the stage and have a cord placed upon their neck that they would later wear to graduation.
“It’s actually starting to feel real that we are graduating so soon. It felt weird walking across the stage today,” senior Beni Gross said.
Although the audience was asked to refrain from doing so, claps and cheering could be heard as each name was called out during the ceremony.
“I thought it went well but everyone was screaming so it was hard to hear,” senior Lexi Smith said. “Overall, It was exciting.”
The top ranking 2% in the senior class were the first students to be called up, starting with the Valedictorian, Mustafa Hanif. They were given a silver and gold entwined cord, followed by the top 5%, who were given a burgundy and gold entwined cord. Those who maintained a GPA of 3.75 or higher throughout their high school career were given a gold cord and those who had 250 service hours or more received a silver cord.
“It feels amazing that my hard work throughout the past four years paid off and I can show what I achieved at graduation,” senior Jackie Snytte said.
Unfortunately, with so many students receiving the silver cord, they ran out leaving about 60 students without their earned cord. These students were still able to walk across the stage to celebrate their accomplishments and will be able to pick up their silver cords on Thursday, March 11.
“I was really disappointed that the school ran out of silver cords. It wasn’t fair to those who earned a cord but were not able to receive it just as everyone else did,” senior Sophie Weinstein said.
Seniors, administrators and parents alike look forward to attending the graduation ceremony on June 2, 2019 at the BB&T Center.