Record amount of MSD students qualify for DECA states
Stoneman Douglas DECA students are getting ready to compete at State competition in Orlando.
January 27, 2022
More than 300 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students have qualified for Distributive Education Clubs of America states in Orlando after competing in districts. MSD DECA students will compete against other DECA students around Florida to possibly qualify for championships.
DECA states is a convention held in Orlando, Florida. After attending and meeting the criteria for the district competitions, students have the chance to go to the convention to compete against and network with other students.
“I like getting to know my students on a more social level outside of the classroom and create better relationships with them,” DECA teacher Sharon Cutler said. “I like seeing them create better relationships with each other.”
The convention begins on March 3rd and ends on March 5th. Students from every district in Florida get to compete in different subjects, including finance, entrepreneurship, business and more. The students are judged on their performances and projects for a chance to earn a place in nationals, which is held in Atlanta, Georgia this year. Winning nationals can boost students’ transcript and give them better chances for college.
“I want to compete in DECA states because it will look good on my academic record and also deca is good since i probably want to pursue a career in business and doing good in deca and other business classes can help show future colleges and employers my strengths,” freshman Kaitlyn Larson said.
The number of students allowed to attend changes depending on the number of students in the class. With a large number of students at MSD enrolled in DECA, more spots are available. This year, the record number of students are going or have a chance of going because more students have joined the class.
“I’m very excited to go to Orlando with my friends and compete again,” freshman Maddi Shapiro said.
Many students who placed in the top are excited about furthering their DECA journey with the convention. Shapiro scored first place in her topic restaurant and food service management.
“I think it will help further my journey in DECA and help me learn more useful information,” Shapiro said.
Throughout this trip, students will be able to develop life skills and gain an understanding of what they will want to do after high school. Students will leave the convention with new knowledge and a better grasp on the future.