Seniors express their feeling about the future as they enter their last semester

Nya Owusu-Afriyie

Seniors Ayla Bogart, Molly Feldman and Brittany Sherman works together on their AP class assignment. Striving to receive excellent grades for their last semester, they look forward to graduating and starting a new chapter after high school.

Erika Ryan, Writer

The school bell rings and seniors enter the front gates as their last semester of high school commences. Smiles are brought to the students’ faces knowing that their graduation date is soon to come and endless possibilities are on the horizon.

As Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School seniors embark on their last semester of high school, some of the students have bittersweet feelings. Although they have a future of endless possibilities ahead of them, reality starts to hit that they only have a few months left in the place they’ve surrounded themselves in for the past four years.

“It’s my last semester of high school, and while I do feel a little sad that my childhood is officially ending, I feel grateful because I am able to start a new chapter in my life,” senior Trinity Pelaez said. “College isn’t all that much different except that there’s more freedom and I’m excited to finally start living.”

Being accustomed to seeing their friends and peers so often, leaving their high school environment can be challenging. MSD has been a home to many seniors, creating bonds with peers and continuing to grow up with students some have been with since elementary school.

“I’m really trying to appreciate the times that I have with my friends this semester,” senior Hannah Leon said. “Once this semester ends, I won’t be seeing my friends as much as I am now. We’re all going to different colleges and our schedules won’t be aligned to see each other as much.”

High school has been an experience for MSD seniors to prepare themselves for the next chapter in their lives: college. Classes such as Advanced Placement and dual enrollment are just some of the ways seniors have been able to improve themselves for college.

“For my last semester of high school I will be preparing myself for college,” senior Marlo Perkins said. “Taking my dual enrollment and advanced placement classes gives me the opportunity to see how my future college courses could possibly look like.”

In the second semester, seniors are normally done with their college applications and are now looking for scholarship opportunities to apply to.

“My motivation for my last semester is to fully focus on applying to scholarships,” senior Nicolas Nigeria said. “I want to make sure that I don’t have to worry about my finances for college and I feel like this is the time where I should be prioritizing it.”

Two events that seniors are looking forward to when the second semester comes to a close is prom and the graduation ceremony in June. This is where students will be awarded for their four years of high school with their diploma.

“I’m thrilled that it is finally my final semester of high school,” senior Sammy Oliver said. “In a few months will be our graduation and we’ll finally be rewarded for all of our hard work from the past four years.”

MSD students are delighted to finish their highschool experience while still being sad for what they’ll be leaving behind. Working towards the next stage of their lives and continuing their education to the next level.