Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School held its annual Multicultural show on Friday, Nov. 22 both during and after school. Teachers were able to bring their classes to the auditorium during fifth and sixth period. Tickets for the after school performance were sold $7. Parents, students and staff were in attendance.
The show was almost entirely student-led by director senior Nichole Avila, co-director, senior Abigail Amritt and assistant director junior Marialis Diaz, who was accompanied by her co-assistant director junior Isabella Fernandez. The president of Spanish club, senior Nicole Velasquez, also played a large role in planning and executing the event.
“I’m the president of spanish club and helping out, it’s very stressful. It’s really important to me and really important to the people in the club, but it’s been very stressful, especially these past two days,” Velasquez said. “Its [important to me] because there’s some people who don’t really like to show themselves, like they don’t show their energy, they don’t show their personalities, so the show gives them a chance to do that.”
Students who participated had been preparing for this performance since June of 2019, when directors and choreographers were chosen. Once students returned to school in August, choreographers had finalized their dances and auditions were held and open to any students who wanted to try out.
“I’ve been doing this since my sophomore year and it’s always fun. It’s amazing to be able to represent any country,” said junior Ben Denstin. `
Within the show itself, 24 different dances were performed. Most countries that were represented were part of the Carribean but nearly every continent was accounted for including South America, North America, Europe and Africa.
“I feel very honored for representing Venezuela as my country while America is where I’m living… I feel very excited, Venezuela is such a beautiful country and I’m so happy to be dancing in honor of it,” Diaz said.