Social media should not include a dislike button option


Dislike buttons are not beneficial towards social media users. Photo by Brianna

Delaney Walker, Social media editor

Everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to it, whether it’s positive or negative. It has recently become simple for people to share their opinions via social media with the creation of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. 

There are several ways for users to react to posts on social media. Whether it is a thumbs up or a heart, “liking” illustrates that someone has enjoyed a post or agrees with it. However, there are times when someone disagrees with the post. There is no way for someone who disagrees with a post to “dislike.” Enabling social media platform users to use a dislike button would have many negative consequences, such as enforcing negative opinions, which is why it should not be an option. 

Based on research from several websites, younger generations continuously strive for more likes and comments on their posts, which can ultimately build up or break down their self-esteem. People enjoy being accepted and loved, so if a large number of people knock a user down with dislikes, this can have negative impacts on their mental health. With this being said, people may also change themselves, such as dying their hair a different color or buying new clothes due to opinions given to them through social media.

However, people are intended to their first amendment rights to the freedom of speech, so they are fully able to post whatever they please on their social media accounts. Along with this, the dislike button would give people an opportunity to shut down offending or inappropriate posts, which would have a positive effect on the users of social media, whether it is on Facebook or Instagram. This is just one of the few reasons why dislike buttons should be allowed, but in reality, dislike buttons would be beneficial to social media users. 

The dislike button would sometimes be used purposely to put people down and the constant dislike will begin to have negative effects on people, including self-esteem issues, changing of personal choices, and even unneeded drama, whether it is intentional or not. Oftentimes, people believe everything written on the internet is true, so if they are told they are not good enough, then they may believe it. 

Social media is full of platforms where people are able to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in, for example being express their views for the world through several platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, whether others agree with them or not. However, if a dislike button was introduced, people would be bashed for their opinions even though they are not doing anything wrong by posting on their own personal accounts. 

Adding a dislike button would create unnecessary conflict. As there are already so many disagreements throughout our world, social media should not become increasingly hostile.  These platforms should be used as a way for users together, bring their spirits up and learn new things about the world.