MSD artist Angelisse Negron expresses herself through art

MSD Artist Angelisse Negron shows her creativity through her artwork. Her artwork is detailed and is filled with vibrant colors along with lots of time and dedication. Her style is very unique and detailed.

Lyla Sachs, Copy Editor

Creating and expressing your emotions is what art is about for many individuals. This understanding is what drew in artist Angelisse Negron. Negron, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, is passionate about art and constantly attempts different mediums and styles. Negron has been interested in art since the age of five, becoming serious about it in the summer of 2019.

Negron was inspired by the artists and styles who came before her. Some of her favorites include Andrew Cadima, the Buff Monster and Gawx art. Cadima was known for his oil portraits, while the Buff Monster was said to be the face of individuality, color and empowerment. Gaux art is vibrant in all aspects. Negron took these characteristics to make her own art.

“[My favorite artists] inspired me to try different techniques, different mediums and to definitely not be afraid to make mistakes,” Negron said.

Over time, Negron has worked to find a style of art that fits her personality. When she first started, graffiti art was her preferred style of painting. She then tried cartoons and portraits, and is currently experimenting with realism.

Negron participates in 2D art 2 and Ceramics Honors. She is also a member of the National Art Honors Society.

“Collaborating and meeting with other artists and competing against other schools convinced me [to join NAHS],” Negron said.

In the future, Negron hopes to fulfill her dreams of becoming a full-time artist. She is currently creating a website to sell her art on, which has not launched yet.

On her website, you will be able to find her first art collection entitled, “The Mind Collection,” which will be available to the public to purchase prints. “The Mind Collection” will have nine pieces in total. The abstract colors on an 18” by 24” canvas were inspired by an art style called “slew art.”

Accompanying Negron’s collection on the website will also be her portfolio and a personal biography about her art and life.

Outside of art and school, Negron enjoys filming and watching YouTube videos about art. She loves spending time with her family, which includes her three younger sisters. Being the oldest, Negron enjoys watching her sisters grow by spending as much free time as she can with them.

“I just like to hang out with my family in general. Either watching a movie, joking around, or just nothing but being with each other,” Negron said.

Just like art, Negron is continuing to grow along with her style. By working toward her goals and painting what she enjoys, Negron hopes to achieve her futuristic goals of having a career in the arts.