On Wednesday, April 15, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Twitter account put out a video challenge, encouraging MSD students to participate.
The video’s caption read, “Can you spare a square? We challenge you to the Toilet Paper Challenge. Retweet with a video of how you are keeping a TP connection and let’s keep the roll going.”
“I saw something similar that another group had done as a parody on the toilet paper shortage. I thought it would be fun to create a competition for different groups to develop creative ways to engage in the challenge,” Principal Michelle Kefford said.
The tweeted video started with Kefford introducing the “Toilet Paper Challenge,” asking students to participate by sharing a video of themselves throwing toilet paper.
Others featured in the video were Assistant Principals Daniel Most, Daniel Lechtman, Ivette Figueroa, Tariq Qaiyim, Jay Milmed, Sandi Davis and Behavior Specialist Anna Koltunova.
“The goal of the challenge is for our students and staff to be creative and work together from a distance to develop a fun video, to keep us connected,” Kefford said.
As of Tuesday, April 21, almost two weeks after the announcement of the challenge, no MSD students have participated.
“I saw the video and didn’t participate because it seemed pointless,” senior Katelyn Gomez said. “It just seemed childish and unnecessary.”