Tutoring provided for all students through NHS and Genius Bar

Two girls work together for a genius bar tutoring. Students can go during their study hall and be matched with a tutor for the year to help in any core class.

Natalia Lopez, Writer

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School begins a new chapter in offering tutoring for all grade levels through National Honor Society and Genius Bar. NHS offers tutoring after school from 2:45-3:45 p.m. on Tuesdays in room 423. Genius Bar is another program that is offered during study hall periods in the media center with one student personalized to a tutor for the remainder of the year.

Students are not automatically put into these programs but instead are given the option to determine whether they could learn on their own or needed the extra help.

The tutors for the programs are MSD students that help other students among the school to better strengthen their knowledge on any subject including math, language arts, history and science classes. This year, the majority of students have needed tutoring in math.

Due to many students learning different ways of doing a certain topic in math, students have had trouble learning the concepts taught in high school; this causes a struggle in keeping up with the rest of the class.

Students who have taken advantage of the tutoring programs have done so for multiple reasons. One of such is that it is costless to the student and allows for one-on-one time with a tutor. Kids who are struggling in any of their classes are encouraged to take part in either one of these programs.

With the ability to choose when they want to meet with their tutor or when to attend a tutoring session, the program is non pressuring. For instance, Genius Bar allows for students to receive each other’s phone numbers, which allows them to contact each other when they would like another tutoring session. With NHS, students can show up after school when tutoring is needed.

“Students are able to help in a way adults can’t,” freshman Courtney Shostack said. “Since students have learned it hands on, they are able to teach hands on.”

Since the tutorers have previously learned this material in their classes, they may have some techniques or helpful notes that could add on to the students knowledge and help them better understand the material. For instance, since teachers are attempting to cover the material within class time constraints, there isn’t much time to ask as many questions as students would like so they may not understand the concept well and need a little bit of an extra boost.

Genius Bar attempts to satisfy the specific needs of each student, so through the signup sheet students were asked what they would need the most practice on. Once that is submitted, the student is set up with a tutor who is specialized in the subject.

Students can also make new friends and look forward to tutoring

“Students can also form a better connection between students,” junior Cassidy Charles said.

Tutoring was created by MSD teachers and student leaders to help those who were struggling or just wanted a better understanding on a subject. These programs are available for the remainder of the year and plan to continue on for the following years to come.