With COVID-19 shutting down schools across the nation, educational institutions have taken precautionary measures by transitioning to online learning. Amongst these schools is Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where teachers and students now educate and learn from the comfort of their homes.
The switch from face-to-face to screen-based teaching might seem like a dream to some people, but it comes with many drawbacks as well. Obtaining motivation to complete an assignment is often mentioned by students as one of the most difficult parts about online learning. Since home is usually seen as an environment to relax for many students, it has become harder for them to be motivated to do their work.
“I don’t like online learning because I have no motivation to do any of my school work from the comfort of my warm bed,” senior Okayhvia Furgeson said. “I miss the routine of school and the meaningful assignments that come with it. I get so distracted because my Zoom lessons are either boring or my assignment is just tedious busywork.”
Many schools have started using Zoom, an online video chatting service, to teach lessons and spend time virtually with students, however, Broward County Public Schools has made attending the meetings optional, so students sometimes sleep in or skip them.
“I sometimes don’t go on the Zoom meetings because they end up just being chat sessions instead of information-based,” senior Hailey Carpenter said. “I feel like I am wasting my time by attending them.”
Online learning has also made students feel as if teachers are assigning more work than usual. Additionally, some teachers make all of their assignments due on one day, which can affect students who procrastinate.
“I hate the fact that some teachers are making assignments due on the weekends,” sophomore Ella Yaipen said. “If we were in regular school, they wouldn’t make us turn in assignments on the weekend because those are our free days.”
Other students believe that online schooling has given them more free time to do other things.
“I like how assignments are usually due at the end of the week because I can get everything finished before they are due,” junior Rahat Ali said. “I have more time to play sports outside, cook or play video games because I finish my work ahead of time.”
One major aspect of online schooling is the change in grades. Procrastination and a distracting home environment can lead to students earning lower grades than usual. Other students obtain better grades due to them having more time to complete their work.
“By learning online, I am getting better grades because everything is easier,” junior Savannah Azar said. “I am getting less tests and quizzes from teachers and the assignments are not hard to complete.”
For some students, online learning is better than physically going to school. In contrast, other students have an arduous time completing their work because of their disruptive home environment or lack of motivation.