The coronavirus outbreak has forced restaurants, places of business and schools to be shut down in the United States, encouraging people to stay isolated in their homes. While being in quarantine, it can be hard to find and maintain a daily schedule or routine for the new normal. Trying new hobbies, going out for a drive and exercising can help someone stay busy.
Exercising while being isolated can help not only physically, but mentally. Walking around or running through the neighborhood and working out can be refreshing activities to help keep a sense of productivity after being inside all day. Completing online workouts from Youtube and different websites is a great way to stay fit. Remaining inside the house can decrease productivity and lead to an inactive lifestyle.
“Recently, I normally have been walking with my mom for about three miles every day. It’s nice to get out of the house once in a while, normally when I’m inside for too long I get worn out. When I walk or even just go outside for an hour, I feel refreshed,” sophomore Julia Danois said.
Eating Healthy
Outside activity is not the only key factor for boosting morale. Even though treating yourself with snacks and desserts may sound appealing, eating healthy and nutritious foods can aid in a healthy lifestyle and being productive while in quarantine.
With not much to do in isolation every day, it is common for people to try and escape their boredom by convincing themselves that they are hungry. Eating whole nutritious meals, like oatmeal, eggs and smoothies for breakfast, as well as salads or sandwiches for lunch are healthy choices to keep unhealthy snacking at bay.
“Ever since quarantine, I’ve been eating healthy,” sophomore Sofia Osio said. “Now that I’m inside for most of my day, it’s hard to get my regular outside activity that I used to get when I was in school. I sometimes treat myself to some nice snacks or two but that’s really it.”
Being Well Rested
Getting a good night’s rest is also very important for keeping a good routine. Even though people aren’t waking up early to go to school, there still is online school and work. Normally, teenagers should go to bed at the latest 11:00 p.m. and wake up at 8:00 a.m. Obtaining at least eight to ten hours of sleep is recommended for the average person.
“Now that I don’t have a lot of school work on my hands, the latest I go to bed is 11:00 p.m. That gives me enough hours of sleep so I can wake up in the morning and start my routine,” sophomore Sammy Oliver said.
Treating yourself
After a long day of doing different activities, self-care is also an important step. Having time to treat yourself, especially in isolation, is essential. Watching movies, pampering yourself and talking to friends or family members can have a positive effect on a student’s mindset.
“Sometimes, I just like to get ready, curl my hair, put some makeup on and take some cute pictures of myself. That’s what I normally do for self-care, it motivates me and keeps my confidence up during quarantine,” Osio said.
Having the energy and motivation to stay productive and complete schoolwork is necessary, especially in this concerning time with the coronavirus outbreak. Losing motivation can be easy while being stuck in the house during the quarantine. Eating the right things, getting outside activity, having a good amount of sleep and waking up early can help maintain a healthy and balanced schedule for students.
“I’m more motivated now to do my school work when I wake up in the morning, I’ve been walking, eating right, going to sleep and waking up at reasonable times. All these things encourage me to keep on doing my school work and stay productive,” Danois said.